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  • Writer's pictureKabir Singhania

The Magnifying Significance of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business

Ever since the pandemic has hit the world, there has been a drastic growth among businesses to exercise their focus on social responsibility. Corporte social responsibility or “CSR”, in simple terms, means a company’s obligation to undertake noble and realistic long-term goals for its audience and the world predominantly.

In 2020-21, several renowned brands focus on their CSR impact assessment and avail social responsibility as a medium to give back to society and their customers for their loyalty. Businesses usually practice their CSR in various forms - it can be through social projects, movements, or individualistic empowerment.

With that being said, here are some of the critical points why CSR in today’s world has become more important than ever:

It Improves People’s Perception Regarding Your Business

Needless to say, the competition in the corporate world goes tougher and tougher day by day, which can be quite difficult for brands to make themselves stand out, especially in the eyes of the customer. On the other hand, businesses that opt for a social impact consultant and approach their social responsibility seriously can win over their customer’s loyalty. This also helps them in enhancing their brand reputation in the market.

It Improves Branding

Exercising your social responsibility is also essential to improving your branding. To achieve the credibility of a “reputable” brand, companies must focus on engagement with their potential customers and clients. This is only possible through generating a feeling of trust, for which a consolidated CSR strategy that can earn customer loyalty. It is important to understand that with so much competition floating around, it is critical to build a customer-centric brand. Besides, according to a survey conducted by Nielsen, it was reported that more people are willing to pay extra for a service if the brand prioritizes sustainability.

CSR Develops Employee Engagement

One of the major reasons why businesses should take their corporate responsibility seriously is that it attracts more interested job seekers. Speaking from an aspirants’ perspective, a company that is committed to its CSR impact assessment and working towards the benefit of society must be compassionate and believes in diversity and inclusion of all people, including its workforce in particular. CSR strategies help promote a more positive work culture and productive employees.

Invokes a Sense of Responsibility to Investors

Socially responsible brands are considered more accountable by their investors. No matter what niche the company operates in, investors mostly have one common goal - greater return on investment. Generally speaking, when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, most of the businesses faced financial losses due to investors backing out, however, they encouraged investments in socially responsible organizations as they considered it as a sign of moral corporate behavior.


Finally, yet importantly, companies can no longer flourish with the sole objective of growth and development at the expense of consumers, society, employees and the environment. They need to start with a social impact consultant and explore ways in which they can contribute to society and keep their customers and employees engaged with the brand.


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